David, Dad & Dogbert do D.C

David and Dad took a roadtrip to Washington D.C. during June 2003. Dogbert, tagged along hoping to become supreme ruler of the world. Come watch the raw video. We are going to create a better version with still pictures, new voices, & music after David gets back from GHP.

Laura's Graduation

Laura graduated from Phoenix High School in May 2003. This video is the raw cut from that event and will be properly edited & augmented with still pictures in the near future.

David Dad & Dogbert do California

David and Dad took a trip to California in June 2004. Dogbert tagged along as usual since he wanted to find a way to control all the real estate in California. The pictures include highlights from San Jose, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

Sarah, David & Dad visit the UK

We took a trip to the UK in May/June 2005. Edinburgh, London, and Stonehenge were the main events. We didn't tell Dogbert about the trip to Bath, he gets itchy with that kind of talk!.

Sarah Moving to Texas

When Sarah took the opportunity to move to Arlington Texas, we all went to Nashville to pack her up.

Birth of Catherine Elizabeth Brown

Pictures from the birth of Catherine.

Christmas 2006

Christmas Pictures.

Tamara & Frank Meet and Wed in 2007

Frank and Tamara first meet January 25th, get engaged June 16th and are wed November 10th.

 © 2023 Frank Koperda.