
(Click here to see the video.)


Pre-Ceremony Entertainment


A quartet provides music prior to the entrance of the graduating class.

The accomplished cellist, Laura, contributes to the pomp & circumstance of the ceremony.

The graduation exercise


Laura joins her class on stage.

Laura walking along the stage to receive her diploma.


Laura receiving her diploma.


Post-Ceremony Photos


The happy graduate!.

David and Laura. (He's the next high school graduate!)


The Koperda "twins".

Proud Dad.


Proud Mom.

Group shot.


Laura & friend Mike

The program for the Phoenix High School Graduation


The graduation program (Page 1)

The program (Page 2)


The program (Page 3)

The program (Page 4).

Time to celebrate


Its over, time for the celebration to begin!

Dinner at Olive Garden.


The car was decorated: "Class of 2003"

A notebook computer for the graduate. Hopefully reliable enough for those long hours doing college term papers or listening to music!

The Diploma

